Dicker Data Limited  ASX:DDR


First Coverage

$ 2.19


Report Date Price
Growth Portfolio 15-Sep-16 $2.19


Your ICT distributor is your trusted technology advisor. When you partner with Dicker Data Limited, you’ll be partnering with their teams who are 100% Australian-based and bring over 40 years’ of experience. Being locally-based means that the people you deal with day in and day out are empowered to make decisions to help you win more business and to help you grow. They are focused on doing what it takes to make you successful.

Dicker Data’s locally-based teams are regularly trained, enabled, and certified by the vendor partners we represent. This means that when you call Dicker Data Limited toll-free sales phone number or connect with them electronically, the person you’re working with is up to date on the latest and most innovative technologies. Their product experts are also able to help advise you based on the needs of your customers and the outcomes required of you.

By keeping sales, technical, finance, and logistics capabilities all under one roof, Dicker Data’s teams are completely connected and enabled to better service your needs. Whether it’s a last-minute request to have an order expedited or an urgent escalation to resolve a situation, the Dicker Data team has the ability to quickly and easily connect with the right internal resources to resolve any situation in a timely manner.

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