Cape Range Limited  ASX:CAG


First Coverage

$ 0.26


Report Date Price
On Track to Achieve Prospectus Targets 28-Jun-18 $0.26


Cape Range Limited (ACN 009 289 481) (Company or Cape Range) was incorporated as an unlisted public company limited by shares on 11 January 1988 and was previously listed on the Official List. Since the Company’s removal from the Official List on 24 March 2016, the Company has been investigating a number of options with a view of acquiring a business and/or assets to enable the recapitalisation of the Company and its re-listing on the ASX.

On 22 June 2017, the Company, Biztrak Business Solutions Sdn Bhd (Biztrak), and the shareholders of Biztrak entered into a binding acquisition agreement, pursuant to which the Company agreed to acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in Biztrak from the Biztrak Shareholders. As a result, Cape Range has acquired all of the assets of Biztrak business solutions, including its Research and Development Company and its IP (Intellectual Property).

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