Bauxite Resources Ltd  ASX:BAU


First Coverage

$ 0.125


Report Date Price
Emerging Companies 27-Mar-14 $0.125


Bauxite Resources Ltd (ASX:BAU) was established with a substantial tenement holding in Western Australia to develop new bauxite supply for the global alumina/aluminium industry. Bauxite Resources Ltd holds a number of hard rock quartz and high-grade silica sand projects in various stages of development. The Company is looking to consolidate and further develop these projects and to develop a long term sustainable export of silica quartz products.

The Darling Range in the south-west of Western Australia (WA) is the world’s largest bauxite mining and alumina refining region producing around 20% of the world’s alumina. This area has mined bauxite and refined alumina since the 1960s. These industries are leaders in sustainable resource development and represent the fifth largest sector of WA’s resource industry.

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