ASX Stock to Ride the Great Electric Vehicle Rush

March 02, 2021 | Price:$6.270

The world is rapidly making the switch to electric vehicles. It is reported this will be a $5 trillion undertaking.

This switch to EVs, will be the biggest global wealth creation event since the industrial revolution, oil, railroads, internet and mobile phones.

The European Union is leading the charge with it’s “Green New Deal” – a set of policy initiatives with the aim of making Europe climate neutral by 2050. It is leading with electrification of its vehicle fleet.

Europe is the heartland of automakers and all of them are switching to producing Electric Vehicles.

At Wise Owl, we research and invest in ASX stocks and one of our key investment themes is the new European electric vehicle wave.

Our current European battery metals investments are:

We are planning to announce a brand new investment in the space tomorrow… but today we have an update for you on Vulcan Energy Resources (ASX:VUL).

Europe’s “Green New Deal” includes an objective to mobilise at least €1 Trillion to support sustainable investments over the next decade.

The rapid switch to Electric Vehicles has the EU scrambling to secure enough raw materials to make “green” batteries on home soil, especially given the risks in procuring nationally strategic materials from overseas.

The new EU policies demand full self-sufficiency in sustainably produced electric vehicle batteries and battery raw materials.

TODAY: we have attached new analysis on our investment in Vulcan Energy – one of our favourite ASX stocks to ride the great European EV boom.

TOMORROW: We are announcing a brand new investment in the European battery metals space – keep an eye out for it in your inbox.

Read Our Full Analysis

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