Wise-Owl is now Free Forever – Here is Our First Stock Pick

February 17, 2021 | Price:$0.026

We are excited to announce Wise Owl is now free forever.

No more fees. No catches. No strings.

To kick things off we have a new stock pick for you today.

Our new model is to make long term investments in carefully selected ASX companies and share our analysis on why we are invested for free.

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Today’s New Investment

To launch our “free forever” service we are starting off with a brand new investment – and here it is:

ASX:PRL has just announced acquisition of a Green Hydrogen project in Western Australia – the first Green Hydrogen project to be listed on the ASX.

PRL is aiming to develop Australia’s first truly zero carbon hydrogen project.

Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest says, ‘’Green hydrogen gives Australia an opportunity to slash our emissions – and if we get this right, the impact could be nothing short of nation-building.’’

Western Australia’s geographical proximity to Asia and its long-term presence in these markets is another strategic benefit – consider WA’s LNG export to Asia.

This project is early stage – PRL has substantial ground work to complete in the near term that will pave the way for the group to move to construction and production if it is successful.

Management expects to complete feasibility studies for both renewable power generation and green hydrogen production within the next 12 to 18 months.

We have invested in this company because of the similarities to our previous investment in Vulcan energy and their “Zero Carbon Lithium” Project which was one of the best performing stocks on the ASX over the last 12 months.

There are a few familiar faces from Vulcan involved in PRL’s Zero Carbon Hydrogen project:


Read Our Full Analysis

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